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e-ISSN 2353-6403   |   p-ISSN 1230-5057

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

I. General 

1) To be accepted for publication, an article must meet the following criteria:

  • Be the result of independent research, not be under consideration elsewhere, nor may they have been published or accepted for publication.
  • Meet fomal criteria and follow relevant guidelines.
  • Receive two positive reviews in accordance with the double-blind review rules.
  • Must comply with the rules of the ‘ghostwriting firewall’. All disclosed cases of ghostwriting (hiding their participation by the authors or writing the text on request) and guest authorship (adding to the list of authors of people whose participation in the creation of the text was negligible) will be made public on the websites of our Journal. The institution employing the author will also be informed about this fact.
  • In justified cases, the Editorial Board may request a declaration of the author’s/authors’ contribution in accordance with the principles of the ghostwriting firewall.
  • Authors may be asked to submit a declaration on the sources of financial means to finance the publication, contribution from research institutions, associations and other entities (financial disclosure).

2) Editors accept electronic texts in the following formats: doc, docx, rtf.

3) The texts of the articles should, in principle, not exceed 50,000 characters, including spaces and footnotes (approx. 30 standard pages), and review texts – 18,000 characters with spaces and footnotes (approx. 10 standard pages). The editors reserve the right to abridge the texts.

4) Texts should not be formatted, e.g. by using different fonts or spacing-outs (bolds should be used instead of spacing-out). Italics may only be used in bibliographic descriptions, for titles of the publications. Only the paragraphs need to be indicated.

5) Articles should be sent in electronic form, as an attachment, by e-mail, to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

6) The authors are notified by e-mail about the acceptance of their article for publication.

7) If there is a need to correct or supplement the submitted text in accordance with the reviewers’ suggestions, the author has 21 days starting from the date of sending the comments of the reviewer or the editor. Failure to correct the text within the this time means that it will be published in the following issue.

8) Texts for author’s correction are sent in a PDF file. Any comments should be included in the form of an attached errata containing information about noticed errors. The author can also print the file he was sent, make a correction on the paper, and then send it to the editorial office. Revised texts are due by a certain deadline. Texts not received within this time will be published in their original form (with possible errors).

9) The texts of the articles should have the following structure:

  • author’s name and surname (top left);
  • ORCID number (if the author has one);
  • affiliation – in the form required by the employing institution (in other cases, we provide the name of the city);
  • title of the article in Polish and English;
  • outline of the content in Polish (400–700 characters) and in English – a brief overview of the content of the article;
  • keywords in Polish and English – 5–7 words or phrases;
  • the content of the article;
  • bibliography of the publications referred to in the footnotes;
  • abstract in Polish and English (1000–1800 characters) – a short presentation of the content of the article, including the results of the analysis, conclusions drawn from it and a discussion of the methodology used;
  • a short note about the author in Polish (English optional) – 200–400 characters (basic place of work, current position and a valid e-mail address, the author’s research interests).
  • It is compulsory to provide the full address of your primary workplace and a valid e-mail address. This is the data necessary for indexing.

The outline of the content, keywords and abstract may be translated by the Editorial Staff during the preparation of the volume for publication, however, the materials sent by the author must contain all elements in Polish.

10) Structure of review articles, reviews and review notes:

  • Review articles: name and surname of the author (together with the ORCID number and affiliation) and the title of the review article are to be given at the beginning of the text;
  • Reviews: the name and surname of the author (with the ORCID number) should be provided under the text of the review;
  • Review notes are signed with the author’s initials;
  • Above the text of the review or note, the headline should be placed: first name (expanded) and surname of the author of the reviewed work, the italicised full title as on the title page (when the review concerns a collective work or a source edition, after the title, we give the full names and surnames of the editors or publishers; if the work is multi-volume – number of volumes or parts in Arabic numerals, e.g. vols 1–2), place and year of publication, name of publisher, number of pages, or title of a publishing series. In the headings, we use abbreviations in the language of the reviewed work, e.g.: ed., Bearb. von, hrsg. von etc.

11) In memoriam:

  • The structure of the heading: the name and surname of the deceased in capital letters, below, in parentheses, the daily dates of birth and death (with full names of the months);
  • The name and surname of the author (along with the ORCID number) should be provided under the text of the memoir.

II. Quotations


  • All quotations should be marked with double quotation marks;
  • Sources cited in the text should generally be given in their original language; and translated in the footnotes, if necessary;
  • We modernize source quotes from the typescripts in accordance with the relevant publishing instructions;
  • In the case of Slavic Cyrillic alphabets, quotations and bibliographic descriptions are given in the original alphabet;
  • We do not precede or end the cited source fragments with the points indicating an ellipsis enclosed within square brackets; 
  • All the omission of a portion of the text should be marked by the points indicating an ellipsis enclosed within square brackets […].

III. Spelling of names, surnames and other terms describing people

1) We use the original spelling of foreign names and surnames or the spelling currently adopted in the Polish scientific tradition, e.g. Shakespeare, Washington.

2) First names of people mentioned for the first time should be quoted in full; in other cases, you can give the initials of the names and surname or only the surname, e.g. Kościuszko, Mickiewicz.

3) The persons mentioned in the reviews are referred to without their academic or professional degrees or titles. The word ‘Author’ should be written with a capital letter if it refers to the author of the reviewed work.

IV. Notation of abbreviations, dates, other times and numerals

1) In the texts, we use generally accepted dictionary abbreviations: etc., e.g., etc., reference number, ver. (verso), rec. (recto) and others.

2) Writing dates in the text:

  • a month in words, e.g. 5 September 1945;
  • with different styles (calendars): 25 October/7 November 1917; 24 December 1902/3 January 1903;
  • periods from to: e.g. 1–10 May 1975; 1 May–10 June 2001 (we use a dash without spaces).

3) In the absence of the day, the month should always be written in full, e.g. in March 1945.

4) Spelling of the terms ‘year’, ‘century’

  • written in full: century always, e.g. in the 19th century; before the year, e.g. in the year 1969. 

V. References and Bibliographies 

The Bibliography must include the ‘Secondary Literature’ section, listing all monographs and studies referred to in footnotes, regardless of whether the article was published in a paper version or on-line. This is crucial due to the indexation in the RCIN and POL-index databases. The bibliography attached to the published articles should contain only the works cited in the text.

1) Footnotes should be numbered in sequence and placed at the bottom of the page. Wherever possible, a note reference number should be placed at the end of a sentence. 

2) A note reference number should precede any punctuation marks, except periods ending the abbreviations. It should appear at the end of a quotation, not following the author’s name if that precedes the quotation.

3) In the footnotes, Latin abbreviations in italics are used: ibidem, idem, eadem, iidem, eaedem, op. cit., loc. cit.

4) The bibliographic reference is separated from the preceding citation or argument with a comma.

5) The place of publication is given in the language of the original. If there are multiple places of publication, the first three names or only the first one should be provided with the annotation ‘et al.’.

6) The first reference to a book should be as follows: the initial of author’s name and full surname, title [in italics], possibly edition, place and year of publication, page number preceded by ‘p.’; for example: P. Chmielewski, M. Wilk, Zarys dziejów ZSRR 1917‒1977, 2nd ed.: Łódź 1985, p. 49.

7) The first reference to an article in a collective work: initials of the first names and full surname of the author, title [in italics], in: title of the collective work [in italics], red. initial of the first name and surname of the editor (editors), or volume (in Arabic numerals), place and year of publication, page number proceeded by ‘p.’; for example: A. Paczkowski, Polacy pod obcą i własną przemocą, in: Czarna księga komunizmu. Zbrodnie, terror, prześladowania, eds. S. Courtois, N. Werth, J.-L. Panné, A. Paczkowski, K. Bartošek, J.-L. Margolin, Warszawa 1999, trans. K. Wakar, p. 241.

8) The first reference to an article in a journal: initials of the first names and full surname of the author, title [in italics], “title of the journal” (or abbreviation of the title, without quotation marks), volume in Arabic numerals, year of publication in parentheses, an issue number in Arabic numerals, page number proceeded by ‘p.’; for example: T. Epsztein, Nieznane fakty z biografii Romana Aftanazego (1914‒2004), „Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej” 50 (2015), z. 2, s. 105–118. All elements of journal titles, except for conjunctions, should be written in capital letters.

9) We indicate publishing series after the place and year of publication in round brackets, e.g. J. Tyszkiewicz, Średniowieczne granice wytyczone wzdłuż rzek w Europie Środkowej, in: Z dziejów średniowiecznej Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, red. J. Tyszkiewicz, Warszawa 2007 (Fasciculi Historici Novi, vol. 6), pp. 145–152. 

10) We use abbreviated terms in the language of the publication: for books published in Polish and similarly: ed. by, vol., hrsg. von, bearb. von, Bd. etc.

11) We do not place an ellipsis after incipits of works that are repeatedly cited.

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